Integrated Problems-Solutions Database

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Play
  3. Documents
  4. Guidelines
  5. Others

1. Overview

In this subprocess, we deal with the management of the Integrated Problems-Solutions Database Process. This is where 1) problems and solutions are entered into the database, 2) matches are made between problems and solutions, 3) problems and solutions data are imported into the database, 4) problems and solutions data are exported from the database, and 5) participants use report tools.

Organization: ORG

All-Files. These are all the view files.

2. Play

In this subprocess, the play is divided in several parts:

  1. Administrative Tools. This is where participants utilize common operations
  2. Problems & Solutions. This is where problems and solutions are entered into the database.
  3. Matches. This is where matches are made between problems and solutions.
  4. Data Import. This is where problems and solutions data are imported into the database.
  5. Data Export. This is where problems and solutions data are exported from the database.
  6. Analysis. This is where participants use report tools.

3. Documents

In this subprocess, we have the following document types:

Problem Records. These are used to represent the problem records.
Solution Records. These are used to represent the solution records.
Match Records. These are used to represent the problem-solution match records.
Imported Problem Files. These are used to represent the imported problem records.
Imported Solution Files. These are used to represent the imported solution records.
Exported Problem Files. These are used to represent the exported problem records.
Exported Solution Files. These are used to represent the exported solution records.

4. Guidelines

In this subprocess, we have the following roles:

Integrated Problems-Solutions Database Manager. This is the person managing the Integrated Problems-Solutions Database subprocess.
Problems-Solutions Agent. This is the person managing the Problems-Solutions interaction.
Requestor. This is the person with the Problems.
Provider. This is the person with the Solutions.
Agreement Specialist. This is the person managing the Agreement.
Database Ingestor. This is the person managing the ingestion into the database.
Database Provider. This is the person providing the data to be ingested.
Database Exporter. This is the person exporting the data to be exported.
Database Receiver. This is the person receiving the data to be exported.
Program Manager. This is the person managing the Program.
Organization Manager. This is the person managing the Distribution Facility.
Overall Organizations Manager. This is the person managing the Realization Facility.
Subprocess Manager  . This is the person managing the Subprcess  .

5. Others

In this subprocess, we have the following other tools:

Worksheet. This is the guidelines for the manager/director.
Credits. These are the people partaking in this organization's production.
References. These are other references.
All-Files. These are all the view files.


Mockup (html)
Implementation (html)


Name- Phone-Email (mailto-hyperlink)


Title- Author- Library (html)